Business Resources
10 Ways to Grow Facebook Fans Ideas to consider when growing your practice's facebook following. |
Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians Explore the critical team role of the veterinary technician in the disciplines of Internal Medicine and advance your skills relating to Internal Medicine with the AIMVT. |
Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians The Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians gives technicians the opportunity to expand their knowledge and their professional value by becoming a credentialed specialist in the field of dentistry. |
Academy of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Technicians Meet credential requirements and pass the AVECCT exam to earn a Veterinary Specialist designation (emergency and critical care) |
Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthetists Help promote the discipline of veterinary anesthesia and become certified as a Veterinary Technician Specialist under the guidance of the Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthetists. |
American Animal Hospital Association Healthier Practices. Healthier Pets. |
American Association of Feline Practitioners AAFP is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of cats through outstanding continuing education and outreach programs. |
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine The official organization of the Veterinary Specialties of Small Animal Internal Medicine, Large Animal Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, and Oncology. |
American Veterinary Medical Association A collective voice for the profession. |
Canadian Association of Animal Health Technologists and Technicians Dedicated to fulfilling the goal of professional recognition nationally and internationally through communication, direction and support of provincial AHT/VT associations. |
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association A collective voice for the profession. |
Clinical Study Grant Guidelines Guidelines for Clinical Study Grant Submission Forms |
Clinical Study Grant Submission Form Fill out this form if you are interested in submitting a clinical research proposal to us. Refer to our Global Animal Welfare Policy and submission guidelines for more information. |
Every Pet, Every Time The American Animal Hospital Association recommends five vital assessments of patient health at every examination to ensure the highest standard of care. Nutrition, the newest assessment, affects health throughout life and can play a vital role in clinical outcomes |
Feline Friendly Practice Brochure Tips for making your practice more feline friendly. |
Healthy Weight Protocol The Hill’s Healthy Weight Protocol gives you a completely new, objective, and clinically proven diagnostic tool. Now you have a new way to talk about weight with even your toughest clients. All it takes is the pet’s weight and a few easy measurements to accurately determine each pet’s ideal weight, body fat percentage and a customized feeding plan for lasting weight loss success. |
International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management Promoting, enhancing and advancing pain management in animals |
Mark Morris Institute The Mark Morris Institute (MMI) is dedicated to the betterment of companion animals through a global program of support for veterinary nutritional education. MMI was founded in honor of Dr. Mark Morris Sr., a pioneer in the field of clinical nutrition for companion animals. His work was carried on by his son, Dr Mark Morris, Jr. |
Minnesota Urolith Center Funded by an educational grant from Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., the Minnesota Urolith Center offers free analysis of uroliths and urethral plugs to veterinary healthcare teams. Download the Minnesota Urolith Center submission form. (PDF) | For a faster response, use the online submission form. |
National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America Connect with other veterinary technicians and help present the profession to the world through NAVTA membership, special events and career growth opportunities. |
Partners for Healthy Pets Partners for Healthy Pets offers tools and resources to enhance the overall vitality of pets and veterinary practices, the delivery of preventive healthcare services, and communication with pet owners about the value of routine care. |
Pet Nutrition Alliance The mission of the Pet Nutrition Alliance is to promote the importance of nutrition as an integral and essential component of providing optimal health care for healthy, sick, and injured pets. |
Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 5th Edition Mark Morris Institute's "SACN" has been the authoritative source for pet nutrition information since its first publication in 1983 |
Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians Discover scientifically based techniques of training, management and behavior modification to enrich human-animal interactions. |
Veterinary Cancer Society International professional society dedicated to the treatment of cancer in animals. |
Veterinary Technician Cancer Society Join the advocacy mission of the Veterinary Technician Cancer Society and strengthen your specialization in the field of veterinary oncology. |